Friday, December 23, 2016

I am a firm believer that many of the "pastors" who fill positions in many of America's churches, though sincere and zealous, are ignorant and deceived, at best, or cunning and deceptive, at worst. I am 52 years old. I have been in church for most of my life. I have, in the past 25+ years of ministry, served many pastors, as their youth pastor, minister of music, children's pastor, sunday school teacher, board member, and internist. I have seen the inside of church that most parishioners never see. I have seen many of these pastors in and out of the church environment, and have seen how many of them have two distinct personalities.

While completing my ministerial internship, my mentor pastor once told me "Michael, you can learn something from every preacher. Sometimes you learn what not to do." Boy, was he right!

Through out this blog, I will tell stories of my experiences, throughout my time in ministry, but I will graciously change the names. Hopefully, many of these pastors have seen their errors and no longer conduct themselves the way they did.

This blog will also chronicle my journey this coming year. My plan is to visit 52 churches, analyze their teachings, their traditions, and their alignment (similarities & differences) with the new testament church.

This blog is not an attempt to tear down. It is my attempt to analyze in order to find truth. Each of us is supposed to search out truth, and we are supposed to lead, and point, others to the truth of the gospel. What if a church has misinterpreted scripture and is teaching and gospel that does not align with God's word? We are instructed to expose the false doctrine and preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

There are many people doing this now. As I blog, and search, I will post links to people and ministries who I think are doing something right. This is not to say that I agree with everything they say. I is just that I found something, in their ministry, worth looking at.

My desire is to, 1. find the church, as Christ intended, 2. allow God to lead me in ministry, to share the gospel with unbelievers, as well as shining light on the darkened path of believers. Jesus preached to the non-religious as well as the religious. 3. open myself up to allow the Holy Spirit to work through me. I may add to this list as time goes by.

This blog is not intended for the unbeliever. Not that they are forbidden to read it, but I feel that certain matter should be discussed internally, while others are for external discussion.

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